Monday, June 28, 2010

on to week three.

Another Monday, oh joy. Monday's really aren't that bad, in my opinion, I'm just always tired. After the weekend my sleep schedule has been thrown off a little bit so it's nearly impossible to fall asleep at a decent hour on Sunday night. That is exactly what happened to me last night. I started cleaning up and getting ready for bed around 10, read the comics from the Sunday paper, then turned out my light and layed there wide awake until sometime past midnight. Maybe I should just work on a better weekend schedule, but honestly, where's the fun in that?

Last week was much more calm than my first. Besides running a couple of errands my entire week was spent in the office doing some drawings and CAD work. This week is starting out the same. It's almost more tiring sitting in the office in front of a computer rather than being on-site and going non-stop. Sitting and staring at the computer for that long can't be good for anyone. I'd bet that I'll be needing glasses sometime in my possibly not-so-far-off future.

There is for sure one out-of-the-office task I'll have this week, well hopefully this week, and that will be measuring our new office space. Yep, the office will be moving in the next month or two (which will provide for some more on-the-go kinds of days). It's only a few minutes from where we currently are, but it's a little more space than what we currently have and less than half the rent. Sounds like a good deal to me! The lady that owns the building is so adorable -- a cute little old lady with white hair. She seems very nice.

And for the most exciting part of this week................ I'm going to see Eclipse on Thursday! I'm so unbelievably excited. It's my favorite book from the series, and I actually have someone to go see it with -- my mom. =) My mom is in Dallas today, doing some doctor's office visits for work (and getting a VIP tour of the Cowboys' stadium this afternoon -- not fair!!), and on Thursday my grandparents are picking her up in Amarillo and they're coming to visit me for 4th of July weekend. Wednesday after work I'll be making red velvet cupcakes, partially for the 4th and partially to make up for not making them for Mother's Day. That mishap was completely out of my hands, but at least we'll get to have them now. We don't have much else really planned out yet, which is amazing considering my grandmother plans out everything months in advance. I do know we'll be going to Buffalo Thunder (a casino right outside of Santa Fe) and eating at New Mexican restaurants so my mom can get her fix of real New Mexican food and sopaipillas. Sopaipillas and cupcakes will make for a very hefty weekend of sorts. Oh, and I can't forget, we will most definitely be playing cards.

Finally, the other thing I am excited about this week: my first full paycheck. I got here just in time for a pay period to end, so I got a check for a whole 2 days. This week will be my first full two-week paycheck, which is very good considering my rent is due and my bills should be coming in soon. Oh the joys of working full-time and being responsible!

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