Thursday, July 1, 2010

finally a slow day.

After being insanely busy for the past couple of weeks, my boss decided today was going to be a slower day today. While I don't mind a break on occassion and a more relaxed day in the office, I also get bored fairly easily. I'm finding myself staring at the same thing over and over, rechecking it to see what tweaks I can make. Right now I'm doing interior elevations for a Senior Skills Center in Alamogordo, and let me say they are pretty simple elevations. I finished them this morning, looked over them and tweaked a few things, added some dimensions, and since then just keep checking and rechecking because I don't have anything better to do at the moment.

Right now, as usual when I'm writing this, I'm taking my lunch hour. Thankful from a break for staring at those elevations, but dreading 1:00 when I have to get back to work but I still won't have anything else to do because my boss will be at a lunch meeting until 2:00. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I weren't so anxious about tonight. My mom and grandparents are in the car, somewhere between Amarillo and here, and when I get off work we'll be getting dinner and hurrying over to the movie theater. So my grandparents weren't sitting at my apartment with nothing to do they are going to see The Karate Kid while my mom and I see Eclipse. Then tomorrow I might try to sneak out a half hour early or so. We shall see!

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