Wednesday, July 14, 2010

oh, family.

Last week at some point my mom told me that my Uncle Michael might be calling me because they were going to be passing through Santa Fe on their way up to Angel Fire (they live further south in Silver City, NM). Never heard from him, but my Aunt Rose called me on Saturday afternoon letting me know that they'd be driving up on Monday. First off, thanks for the wonderful advance notice. But of course they didn't know what time they were going to head out or what time they would be passing by Santa Fe (God forbid they actually plan something). I told them to give me a call Monday morning once they knew if they'd be here around lunch time so I could meet up with them on my lunch break. Didn't get a call until 2:30 Monday afternoon when they were still an hour away. So that didn't work out. They also said that I could drive up there one night this week and we could cook out, but considering it's a 2 hour drive and I wouldn't be able to leave here until 5-5:30 it would be an unbearably late night and a very tired next day at work. As I mentioned in a previous post I decided this weekend would be a good time to go to Muleshoe -- Bon Bon doesn't work and there isn't a market in Santa Fe. Rose said that maybe they could stop by here on their drive back home on Sunday, but I let her know I'd be in Muleshoe so she said, "Well if you're not going to be there then we just won't bother." As if it's my fault they're incapable of planning something or actually making an effort to see their family. They're about a 7 1/2 hour drive from Muleshoe and I bet my mom and I see Bon Bon and Jack more than they do. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

I've also started to think a little bit more about the getting my crap out of Santa Fe at the end of December situation. Considering it's going to be Christmas and I'll have a very short time period to get out of Santa Fe and get back to Boston for my final semester of college (besides the whole Master's part) I'm thinking it might be easiest to put all my stuff in storage for 4 months. This may be where seeing if my Great Uncle Travis has any spare room in his barn temporarily could come in handy, or I just put it all in storage here in Santa Fe and save the haul back for after the semester is over. We shall see. Another exciting prospect about the end of my internship/Christmas is my grandfather's idea of meeting in Las Vegas for Christmas. I would drive his car that I currently have up there and he'd take it home with him. I think that sounds like a pretty fun trade-off location. Again, however, that is still quite a few months away so who knows how it will pan out.

And finally, I have an opportunity to make a little bit more money. My boss asked me to watch her cat while she's on vacation in Michigan. Not a huge cat fan, but at least they're easy. And I'm fairly certain the cat's name is Miss Sparkle. I'm hoping that's just one of those creepy owner-pet nicknames, but I'm not positive at this point. Not saying that dog people can't be equally as crazy when it comes to their pets, but cat people definitely are of a different breed.

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