Tuesday, October 26, 2010

no time!

So I don't really have time right now for a real update (surprise, surpise). I worked all day Saturday and Sunday volunteered for the Santa Fe Film Festival, and this week is looking like late hours at work. I guess it's a good thing that we're busy though! And this weekend Marc is coming into town, so after that I'll make sure I'll update (for real this time) because I'll have a lot of catching up to do and maybe more fun pictures. For now, here's a couple of pictures from the Santa Fe Film Festival.

Landscape at Val Kilmer's Ranch in Pecos.
I wouldn't mind sitting on my porch and looking at that!

Q&A after screening of Catch-22.
A very exciting moment in my life -- it's Alan Arkin!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

balloon fiesta!!

First of all, to all those people back in Boston or elsewhere that looked at me like I was retarded when I said that one thing I was excited about in New Mexico was Balloon Fiesta, you're the silly ones. It was awesome. Very chilly, but totally worth it. 

Since I had never been before I didn't know exactly what to expect, but the website suggests you be there at 5:30am, so we were there at 5:30am. Getting up at 3:30am on a Saturday is normally something I'm not willing to commit to under any circumstances. Except Balloon Fiesta, I supposed. We did realize after getting there and seeing the whole thing that it would have been just fine to get there around 7 once the sun was up and all the balloons were taking flight.

So it was colder than expected, and none of us (me and my grandparents) had properly prepared. We most definitely could have used warmer jackets and more blankets. But it all went well anyways. While it was still dark outside a few balloons went up to test the wind and they did some fun, timed lighting of the balloons.

It was when the sun started coming up, however, that it became magical. My grandfather was the one who complained the most as we sat in the cold before sunrise, but once the Mass Ascension really got going, he was the most excited one out of all of us. I don't really think the pictures do it justice -- it's really something you have to be there for to really experience. So at this point all I can do is urge you to put Balloon Fiesta on your bucket list (I promise you won't be disappointed) and share a few photos out of the 374 photos I took.

Monday, October 4, 2010

no pictures.

I was successful in going out and seeing 2 houses done by a couple of the interior designers that were at the dialogue/luncheon on Friday. I tried to go to a third but didn't succeed in actually finding the house. With that said, if I do end up coming back to Santa Fe on a long-term basis, that's the way to live. These houses were really close to downtown but just far enough outside of town where it was quiet and offered panoramic views of the mountains. Yes, I'm aware that I wouldn't be able to actually afford a house like that, but can't a girl dream?

Unfortunately we were asked not to take pictures, which really didn't make a difference to me considering I forgot to charge the battery for my camera and I simply forgot to take it with me. The designer's projects I saw were Victoria Price and Jeanne Sei. You can see a picture of the kitchens in both houses here: http://www.santafeinteriordesignerspresents.com/tour.html . In the Jeanne Sei house her piece really was the kitchen, but in the Victoria Price house she did it all. It was very bold and bright and very obviously for a male couple. They must have a nice life -- right outside their bedroom was a private deck looking over the mountains with a built-in hot tub. Now that's something I could definitely get used to. In the Jeanne Sei Kitchen, which I just noticed is similar to the picture on the website but isn't that project, there's a huge panoramic window at the kitchen sink that looks out to the mountains. If I had that kitchen I might be a little more into doing dishes. Or not.

The reason I was able to go to this Interior Design Dialogue/Luncheon was because it was the back-up plan after our trip down to a couple of sites for possible future projects got postponed. I think it was worth it. The only downside is that they were going to take me to Acoma's Cultural Center that BFA+D did a little while back, but this week it will be closed for cultural activities. Another time then.

--This just in: I will be going with my boss to an AIA lunch on October 14th. She claims that they're much less fun than the interior design people, which wouldn't surprise me. We'll see how it is!--

So since my last update oh so long ago...

Outside of co-op, my dad and stepmother have officially moved to Round Rock, TX (outside of Austin). My best friend's dad will be officially moving to Atlanta (where her mom currently is) this week. That means my mother will be the only one left in Florida. (Aside from the few friends I still have left over there). So sad.

Work has been crazy busy. Last Wednesday we submitted 100% Design Development for New Mexico Commission for the Blind Senior Skills Center in Albuquerque. I got lots of overtime which is great, and now while we wait to move onto Construction Documents I'm working on the Zuni Mission Church Stabilization. I'm pretty excited about the Commission for the Blind project though. We're hoping to start construction late fall, and some of the interior finishes were picked out by me. =) Hopefully those finishes will be approved.

The week before last Barbara and Brian went up to the Seattle area for an AIANTA conference and apparently got some interest from some tribes up there, even ones in Alaska. That's pretty frickin' sweet if you  ask me. I must admit I was a little jealous though... Seattle has been on my list of cities to visit for quite a while now. One day.

On the future of my time at BFA+D front, I'm hoping to come back next summer. Barbara's already mentioned this to me many times, and I need to set up a little chat with her soon about really getting my IDP into gear and the possibility of me coming back. If it weren't for grad school I'd definitely be willing to come back for longer than a few months next summer. But if business is still good and they haven't hired someone permanent, it's definitely a prospect for after grad school. I did think about possibly putting of grad school for a bit, but I know myself well enough to know that it would be nearly impossible to get myself to go back to school after working for a year or two, not to mention getting myself to go back to the crappy weather Boston has to offer after being away from it for that long.

Anyways, tonight Barbara, Brian and myself are going to a lecture down at UNM School of Architecture. Their lecture series is under way, and Barbara and Brian will be the lecturers next month. Going tonight to check out the competition and see how our presentation should be set up. This weekend I'll be going to the Balloon Fiesta and the grandparents will be driving up for it too. I'm quite excited for that, and there will without a doubt be pictures. Next weekend will be my only weekend to relax this month. The weekend of the 23rd is the Santa Fe Film Festival which I will be volunteering at. My official post is helping out with the filmmaker's BBQ at Val Kilmer's ranch. Jealous? =) Then the following weekend (Halloween!) Marc is supposed to be flying down. He has yet to actually buy the plane tickets, but it is supposed to happen.

And then it's November (yet another crazy busy month). I honestly don't know where the time has gone this year. Next update: BALLOON FIESTA!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

i know, i know.

I realize it's been about a month now since my last update, but work has been crazy busy! I would usually update during my lunch hour, but I've been working while eating most days in the past month. Right now I don't have the time to update either, but I do plan on updating this weekend. For now I just wanted to post this link for the Design Luncheon I just went to: http://www.santafeinteriordesignerspresents.com/dialogue.html . Hopefully I'll be checking out a couple of the houses featured in the home tour tomorrow also.

And next weekend I'll be going to the Balloon Fiesta! I'm quite excited for that. Not so much for the thousands of people that will be there, but it should be cool anyways.

So a real update on Sunday (maybe with some pictures of the houses) and then lots of pictures after Balloon Fiesta. =)