Friday, October 1, 2010

i know, i know.

I realize it's been about a month now since my last update, but work has been crazy busy! I would usually update during my lunch hour, but I've been working while eating most days in the past month. Right now I don't have the time to update either, but I do plan on updating this weekend. For now I just wanted to post this link for the Design Luncheon I just went to: . Hopefully I'll be checking out a couple of the houses featured in the home tour tomorrow also.

And next weekend I'll be going to the Balloon Fiesta! I'm quite excited for that. Not so much for the thousands of people that will be there, but it should be cool anyways.

So a real update on Sunday (maybe with some pictures of the houses) and then lots of pictures after Balloon Fiesta. =)

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