Friday, October 15, 2010

balloon fiesta!!

First of all, to all those people back in Boston or elsewhere that looked at me like I was retarded when I said that one thing I was excited about in New Mexico was Balloon Fiesta, you're the silly ones. It was awesome. Very chilly, but totally worth it. 

Since I had never been before I didn't know exactly what to expect, but the website suggests you be there at 5:30am, so we were there at 5:30am. Getting up at 3:30am on a Saturday is normally something I'm not willing to commit to under any circumstances. Except Balloon Fiesta, I supposed. We did realize after getting there and seeing the whole thing that it would have been just fine to get there around 7 once the sun was up and all the balloons were taking flight.

So it was colder than expected, and none of us (me and my grandparents) had properly prepared. We most definitely could have used warmer jackets and more blankets. But it all went well anyways. While it was still dark outside a few balloons went up to test the wind and they did some fun, timed lighting of the balloons.

It was when the sun started coming up, however, that it became magical. My grandfather was the one who complained the most as we sat in the cold before sunrise, but once the Mass Ascension really got going, he was the most excited one out of all of us. I don't really think the pictures do it justice -- it's really something you have to be there for to really experience. So at this point all I can do is urge you to put Balloon Fiesta on your bucket list (I promise you won't be disappointed) and share a few photos out of the 374 photos I took.

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